NSW Leads the Charge

NSW Leads the Charge

Right now, we are feeling the effects of the cost-of-living crisis. Now is the time to be powered by clean, cheap energy to reduce our energy bills, and ensure stable jobs into the future 

By shifting to efficient electric household appliances from gas, our bills will become cheaper.  Electric appliances use much less energy (therefore money) than their gas counterparts. If we combine this with powering our grids with cheap, clean natural resources such as solar and wind, our bills will continue to go down, we’ll create thousands of sustainable local jobs and we ...

Right now, we are feeling the effects of the cost-of-living crisis. Now is the time to be powered by clean, cheap energy to reduce our energy bills, and ensure stable jobs into the future 

By shifting to efficient electric household appliances from gas, our bills will become cheaper.  Electric appliances use much less energy (therefore money) than their gas counterparts. If we combine this with powering our grids with cheap, clean natural resources such as solar and wind, our bills will continue to go down, we’ll create thousands of sustainable local jobs and we’ll stop releasing polluting fossil fuels into the air we breathe.  

Ageing coal-fired power stations are becoming increasingly unreliable towards the end of their life span. They require costly maintenance and often go offline unexpectedly - which drives up costs of energy for consumers. 

As more houses electrify, people left connected to gas will then experience the disproportionate increased costs of the remaining gas network fees. Gas companies are also projected to pass on the extra costs of depreciating isolated gas network assets onto consumers (source).  

The NSW Government has just released the NSW Consumer Energy Strategy, which is a great step in the right direction to ensuring everyone benefits from the transition to clean, cheap energy. Now is the time to write to your local MP to back in the asks, and ensure ambitious targets are set for support of communities, and ensure the Gas Decarbonisation Roadmap is delivered.

We urgently need to take action and call on the NSW government to ensure our energy bills go down by: 

1. Publish a timeline for closure of coal fired power plants that accounts for more wind, solar and batteries entering our energy system. 

  • Invest in getting clean energy sources online faster, not propping up polluting coal. 

  • Ensure local communities who host clean energy projects are able to reap the benefits. This includes ensuring there are opportunities for First Nations ownership of clean energy projects on Country, so communities can receive the benefits and revenue from projects.

  • Implement strong environmental and planning laws to protect nature in the renewables rollout and to provide public confidence and certainty for community and investors. 

2. Switch to efficient electric appliances in households which use much less energy (and money), to do the same work as gas appliances. 

  • Set ambitious targets and deliver ample funding. NSW should be aiming for electrification of 75% of NSW homes currently connected to gas by 2030 with any gas disconnection fees removed, encourage all-electric new buildings, and plan for the shutdown of the gas network.

  • Victoria and the ACT have already implemented household electrification incentives such as rebates and concessional finance. NSW needs to follow suit and ensure the NSW Consumer Energy Strategy prioritises supporting low-income households, renters, social housing etc.

  • Deliver the Gas Substitution Roadmap urgently.

  • Deliver energy performance upgrades to all NSW social housing stock and First Nations community-controlled housing by 2030, including appliance electrification and, where possible, solar and batteries.

  • Introduce minimum energy efficiency standards and mandatory disclosure for rental properties by 2025. Similar to Victoria, these standards should mandate requirements for insulation and appliances to be replaced with efficient electric appliances at end of life. 

3. Support local workers to transition into quality jobs in the clean energy sector  

  • NSW should develop a Clean Industry Superpower Strategy to guide state support for new job opportunities and identify areas where NSW has competitive advantages.

  • State government has a clear role in building skills and providing pathways for workers. Establishing new advanced training centres for new advanced industries with TAFE and industry peak bodies across NSW in key transition regions, would provide a clear point of entry for young workers and support the formation of a deep skills base to attract investment.

  • Support domestic manufacturing in NSW. This state has existing supply chain capabilities that should be supported by government: electric busses for the state transport fleet; and electric heat pump hot water appliances for social housing upgrades.   

Being powered by clean energy is a win-win-win for our wallets, the environment, and our communities. 

Read our public letter to NSW Premier Chris Minns here

Let's call on the state government to ensure NSW Leads the Charge in the shift to clean, cheap energy so everyone can benefit.   



Take Action Now

Email your local MP (prefilled by entering in postcode) and CC NSW Premier Chris Minns and let them know you want to ensure NSW Leads the Charge in the shift to clean, cheap energy. 

Tips for writing email: 

  • We've included a few bullet points to help you craft it, but don’t forget to personalise it to make it more effective!  

  • The more you can demonstrate how this effects you, the more compelling the action.  

You can include: 

  • How you’re being affected by high energy bills, or how someone you know is 

  • Demonstrate why you’d like to electrify your household, and need support to do so 

  • Why you care about there being clean air and a stable environment for yourself, family and friends. 

  • Include any points from the left of the page that speak to you! 

  • Call to action: ensure NSW is powered by clean, cheap energy. Electrify households 

Please note that the email will be sent to both your local state MP and selected Upper House Representatives. 


Compose your email

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